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Ibn Khaldoun medical center Sousse Tunisia

Quality system in Ibn Khaldoun Medical Center

Dedication to our patient's well-being

From its inception, Ibn Khaldoun Medical Center has steadfastly prioritized excellence in patient care, ensuring that quality remains the cornerstone of our commitment.

Since November 2018, Ibn Khaldoun Medical Center has diligently upheld and maintained certification for its quality management system, in full compliance with the standards outlined in ISO 9001 :2015.

Ibn Khaldoun Medical Center is dedicated to enhancing the standard of care through active participation in the accreditation process. Our primary goal is to prioritize the well-being of the user, be it a patient or any other individual. Our healthcare professionals are committed to delivering top-notch care by incorporating risk management, health surveillance, and pain management practices. Throughout this process, we remain steadfast in upholding the rights of the user, ensuring their utmost respect and consideration.

Quality system in CMIK Sousse Tunisia

our mission

  • Elevating our standing as a premier cancer care facility.
  • Providing the utmost quality in care and services.
  • Establishing ourselves as pivotal contributors to the advancement of innovative technologies and cutting-edge processes aimed at enhancing tumor treatment.
Quality system in CMIK Sousse Tunisia

Our vision

  • Strengthening our strategic oversight of care quality and safety through center accreditation.
  • Delivering exemplary, patient-centered, evidence-based care.
  • Adhering rigorously to legal and regulatory requirements in all instances.
  • Attentively addressing the needs and expectations of our users, whether patients or others.
Quality system in CMIK Sousse Tunisia

Our values

  • Upholding unwavering respect for all professionals, patients, and their families.
  • Attentively listening to professionals, patients, and their families, while consistently gauging their satisfaction.
  • Committing to sustained top performance on the long term.
  • Pursuing excellence with relentless ambition and unwavering determination.
Quality system in CMIK Sousse Tunisia

Committees have been established to foster continuous enhancement in the quality of care and services:

  • Quality and Risk Management Steering Committee.
  • Therapeutics Committee.
  • Multidisciplinary Team Meeting.
  • Experience Feedback Committee.
  • Crisis Committee.
  • Development Committee.
  • Healthcare-Associated Infection Prevention and Control Committee.

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