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4011 H.Sousse - Tunisia

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Ibn Khaldoun medical center Sousse Tunisia

Presentation of the center


1st private center in Tunisia in Radiotherapy, chemotherapy, and nuclear medicine

Established in 2005, IBN KHALDOUN Medical Center stands as Tunisia's pioneering private facility dedicated to oncology care.

It addresses an increasing demand for tumor treatment.
Equipped with advanced skills, state-of-the-art equipment, and new technological processes, this center is dedicated to improving tumor treatment.
The primary objective of the entire team at IBN KHALDOUN Medical Center is to provide patients with essential support and treatment in exceptional conditions. The approach combines efficiency and comfort to ensure optimal patient care and experience.
A contemporary medical facility offering a welcoming and comfortable environment, featuring a consultation unit, a chemotherapy day hospital, a nuclear medicine unit with exercise testing, and a fully-equipped modern radiotherapy technical unit on the first floor. These amenities collectively contribute to the tranquility and well-being of both patients and their caregivers.
State-of-the-art facilities adhering to the latest international radiation protection standards, ensuring proper radiation protection for patients, visitors, staff, and the environment alike.
A welcoming and readily available reception; guiding patients according to their individual needs.


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